STERNAUTO Group has a strong presence across East Germany, with a network that spans over seven cities: Erfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Magdeburg, Rostock, Schwerin, and Potsdam. The operations in these regions are represented by four corporate entities: Russ & Janot GmbH, Stern Auto GmbH, Autohaus Sternagel GmbH as well as Autohaus Sternagel Ludwigsfelde GmbH.
STERNAUTO Group is committed to continuing to grow and expand its leading market position in Mercedes-Benz Group’s home market, which is Europe’s largest and most important premium vehicle sales market.
Since its market entry and successful acquisitions from Mercedes-Benz Group AG in 2015, STERNAUTO Group has steadily increased its dealership network.
Currently, STERNAUTO Group is operating 22 outlets in eight cities.